Technical Management

A full-service provider, MIL Group skilfully and expertly supports and maintains ship owners' interests and assets with top-to-bottom technical management services worldwide, and other industry-related support. Vessels are maintained in optimum condition by a customised PMS and a team of highly experienced technical personnel. Performance is closely monitored in order to deliver energy efficiency and other advantages, with our aim to always to ensure sustainable, best in class care.
Our technical and centralised procurement departments are focused on meeting budget targets, achieved through established best practices in maintenance, but they will never compromise on safety, compliance, and environmental care, and will always apply best practices in:

  • Communication, including open communication with vessels to anticipate potential problems
  • Customised, in-house IT systems and support;
  • Regular monitoring and measuring of financial performance;
  • Economies of scale and strong purchasing power, partnerships, and network alliances, resulting in lower costs.
Our centralised Procurement Department plays a vital role in the technical management of our managed fleet. We have long-standing relationships with leading suppliers, shipyards and repair workshops to ensure that our owners consistently receive reliable and high-quality services at competitive prices. Use of a PMS means high levels of vessel utilisation as well as efficiency in ordering spares and stores.